As the floor joists slowly go up over the four main beams, I have been thinking of what I want the actual treehouse to look like, or the style in which I want to build it. Sorry folks, but unpainted exterior grade plywood walls are unacceptable!
I want something that will look as much in place (as a house within a tree can look) as possible, so natural (or natural looking) materials, and a rustic appearance are required. Finances also dictate that the materials must be reasonably priced, so I will be looking at reclaimed, donated and/or discarded materials also. On the short
list of possible materials are board and batten siding, cedar shakes or shingles, lapped board siding, and even waste skins from cedar logs.
I am planning on giving the treehouse a design and appearance based on the Craftsman (USA early 20th century) or Arts and Crafts (English and European, late 19th century) styles of architecture. I have included a link to one of my favorite websites, Robinson Residential Designs Inc., a Regina Saskatchewan based architectural firm specializing only in the Craftsman style. Check them out by clicking on the picture of the gorgeous house!
I want something that will look as much in place (as a house within a tree can look) as possible, so natural (or natural looking) materials, and a rustic appearance are required. Finances also dictate that the materials must be reasonably priced, so I will be looking at reclaimed, donated and/or discarded materials also. On the short
I am planning on giving the treehouse a design and appearance based on the Craftsman (USA early 20th century) or Arts and Crafts (English and European, late 19th century) styles of architecture. I have included a link to one of my favorite websites, Robinson Residential Designs Inc., a Regina Saskatchewan based architectural firm specializing only in the Craftsman style. Check them out by clicking on the picture of the gorgeous house!
At first I thought it was YOUR house and then realized it looked a bit to modern? Yes, this is my unabashed plea for more field house pics :)
Plea noted! It (the chronicles) has been held up really because I dont have a good pic of the house to post (the one good one I have is not digital, and I don't have time to scan it). The photo on the link is a fairly new house built to plans done by Robinson, and is a faithful reproduction of what a Craftsman style home would have look liked newly built in the States around say 1910 to 1930 or so. When I win the lottery I will tear down our cottage and build one just like this. It's amazing how old is new again, or how beauty never goes out of style!
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